Open the Juggernaut app and navigate to Tipping > My Comps

Select create a comp option

1: Select Create a Comp

Open the Juggernaut app and navigate to Tipping > My Comps

Select create a comp option

1: Select Create a Comp

Open the Juggernaut app and navigate to Tipping > My Comps

Select create a comp option

1: Select Create a Comp

Enter a Comp Name (required)

Select one of the available avatars. (Optional)

2: Set Up Your Comp

2: Set Up Your Comp

Choose the competition type:
Private Comp: Only those with the invite code can join.

Public Comp: Discoverable by the general public for anyone to join.

3: Create your comp

3: Create your comp

Once you’ve entered the details, tap Create to finalise.

Your comp will be created as well as a unique invite code.

Share this code with friends, family, or colleagues so they can join your comp.

4: Share the Invite Code

4: Share the Invite Code